
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Thomas Otterson
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
 * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
 * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
 * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
 * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
 * subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.

 * Provides basic channel operations for puts, takes, and alts. These operations are not dependent upon the way channels
 * are accessed; i.e., they are independent of processes, generators, and promises. They require the use of only the
 * channel itself.
 * @module cispy/ops
 * @private

const { box, isBox, chan, DEFAULT } = require('./channel');

 * These two handlers are used by channels to track execution of instructions (put, take, and alts). They provide two
 * pieces of information: the function to call when a put or take unblocks (because a value sent to put has been taken,
 * or a take has accepted a value that has been put) and whether or not the handler is still active.
 * The function is a callback that actually defines the difference between put/take and putAsync/takeAsync:
 * while the unblocked calls use the callback passed to the function, put and take simply continue the process where it
 * left off. (This is why put and take only work inside go functions, because otherwise there's no process to continue.)
 * The alts instruction always continues the process upon completion; there is no unblocked version of alts.
 * This function is provided as the return value of the commit method. Calling commit has no extra effect with put and
 * take instructions, but for alts, it also marks the handler as no longer being active. This means that only one of
 * the operations passed to alts can be completed, because after the first one, the handler is no longer active and
 * will not be allowed to process a second operation.
 * If a put or take (or equivalent alts operation) cannot be immediately completed because there isn't a corresponding
 * pending take or put, the handler is queued to be run when a new take or put becomes available.
 * @typedef Handler
 * @property {boolean} active Whether or not the operation is still active. An inactive operation is not serviced and
 *     will be cleared from the queue on the next dirty operation purge.
 * @property {function} commit Marks the handler as inactive (so it doesn't run twice) and returns the callback to be
 *     run when the operation completes.
 * @private

 * A callback function run when a put or take operation completes.
 * @callback HandlerCallback
 * @param {*} value The value provided by the channel. In a take, this is the value taken from the channel. In a put,
 *     this is `true` for a successful put and `false` if the channel is closed before the put can complete.
 * @private

 * Creates a new handler used for put and take operations. This handler is always active, as there will never be a time
 * when it's in the queue but already handled.
 * @param {module:cispy/ops~HandlerCallback} fn The callback to be run when the put or take operation
 *     completes.
 * @return {module:cispy/ops~Handler} The new handler.
function opHandler(fn) {
  return {
    get active() {
      return true;

    commit() {
      return fn;

 * Creates a new handler used for alts operations.
 * @param {module:cispy/channel~Box} active A boxed value indicating whether the handler is valid. This is a boxed
 *     value because the alts-handling code needs to manipulate it directly; this could probably be improved.
 * @param {module:cispy/ops~HandlerCallback} fn The callback to be run when (and if) the operation
 *     completes.
 * @return {module:cispy/ops~Handler} The new handler.
function altsHandler(active, fn) {
  return {
    get active() {
      return active.value;

    commit() {
      active.value = false;
      return fn;

 * Creates an array of values from 0 to n - 1, shuffled randomly. Used to randomly determine the priority of operations
 * in an alts operation.
 * @param  {number} n The upper (exclusive) bound for the random numbers. This ends up also being the length of the
 *     resulting array.
 * @return {number[]} An array of numbers from 0 to n - 1, arranged randomly.
 * @private
function randomArray(n) {
  const a = [];
  for (let k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
  for (let j = n - 1; j > 0; --j) {
    const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * (j + 1));
    const temp = a[j];
    a[j] = a[i];
    a[i] = temp;
  return a;

 * **Completes the first operation among the provided operations that comes available, without blocking.**
 * This means that a call to `altsAsync` does not go into an `await` expression, and it is not necessary to use it
 * inside a process. Rather than blocking until an operation completes, this one returns immediately and then invokes
 * the callback (if provided) as soon as one of the supplied operations completes. It can be regarded as a
 * non-blocking version of `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.alts|alts}`.
 * This function uses an operations list that's identical to the one used by `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.alts|alts}`.
 * It's an array of values; if a value is a channel, then that operation is a take on that channel, while if it's a
 * two-element array of channel and value, then that operation is a put of that value onto that channel. All options
 * that are available to `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.alts|alts}` are also available here.
 * The callback is a function of one parameter, which in this case is an object with `value` and `channel` properties.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {Object[]} operations A collection of elements that correspond to take and put operations. A take operation
 *     is signified by an element that is a channel (which is the channel to be taken from). A put operation is
 *     specified by an element that is itself a two-element array, which has a channel followed by a value (which is
 *     the channel and value to be put).
 * @param {module:cispy~altsCallback} callback A function that gets invoked when one of the operations completes.
 * @param {Object} [options={}] An optional object which can change the behavior of `alts` through two properties.
 * @param {boolean} [options.priority=false] If `true`, then the priority of operations to complete when more than one
 *     is immediately available is a priority according to position within the operations array (earlier positions
 *     have the higher priority). If `false` or not present, the priorty of operation completion is random.
 * @param {*} [options.default] If set and all of the operations initially block, the `alts` call completes
 *     immediately with the value of this option (the channel will be `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.DEFAULT|DEFAULT})`. If
 *     not set, the `alts` call will block until one of the operations completes and that value and channel will be the
 *     ones returned.
function altsAsync(ops, callback, options = {}) {
  const count = ops.length;
  if (count === 0) {
    throw Error('Alts called with no operations');

  const priority = !!options.priority;
  const indices = priority ? [] : randomArray(count);

  const active = box(true);

  function createAltsHandler(channel) {
    return altsHandler(active, value => {
      callback({ value, channel });

  let result;

  for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    // Choose an operation randomly (or not randomly if priority is specified)
    const op = ops[priority ? i : indices[i]];
    let channel, value;

    // Put every operation onto its channel, one at a time
    if (Array.isArray(op)) {
      [channel, value] = op;
      result = channel.put(value, createAltsHandler(channel));
    } else {
      channel = op;
      result = channel.take(createAltsHandler(channel));

    // We check for Box here because a box from a channel indicates that the value is immediately available (i.e., that
    // there was no need to block to get the value). If this happens, we can call our callback immediately with that
    // value and channel and stop queueing other operations.
    if (isBox(result)) {
        value: result.value,

  // If none of the operations immediately returned values (i.e., they all blocked), and we have set a default option,
  // then return the value of the default option rather than waiting for the queued operations to complete.
  if (!isBox(result) && options.hasOwnProperty('default')) {
    if (active.value) {
      active.value = false;
        value: options.default,
        channel: DEFAULT

 * **Puts a value onto a channel without blocking.**
 * This means that a call to `putAsync` does not go into an `await` expression, and it is not necessary to use it
 * inside a process. Rather than blocking until the put value is taken by another process, this one returns
 * immediately and then invokes the callback (if provided) when the put value is taken. It can be seen as a
 * non-blocking version of `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.put|put}`.
 * While the primary use of this function is to put values onto channels in contexts where being inside a process is
 * impossible (for example, in a DOM element's event handler), it can still be used inside processes at times when
 * it's important to make sure that the process doesn't block from the put.
 * The callback is a function of one parameter. The parameter that's supplied to the callback is the same as what is
 * supplied to `await put`: `true` if the value was taken, or `false` if the channel was closed. If the callback isn't
 * present, nothing will happen after the value is taken.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {module:cispy/core/channel~Channel} channel The channel that the value is being put onto.
 * @param {*} [value] The value being put onto the channel.
 * @param {module:cispy~nbCallback} [callback] A function that gets invoked either when the value is taken by another
 *     process or when the channel is closed. This function can take one parameter, which is `true` in the former case
 *     and `false` in the latter.
function putAsync(channel, value, callback) {
  const result = channel.put(value, opHandler(callback));
  if (result && callback) {

 * **Takes a value from a channel without blocking.**
 * This means that a call to `takeAsync` does not go into an `await` expression, and it is not necessary to use it
 * inside a process. Rather than blocking until a value becomes available on the channel to be taken, this one returns
 * immediately and then invokes the callback (if provided) when a value becomes available. It can be regarded as a
 * non-blocking version of {@link module:cispy~Cispy.take|take}`.
 * While the primary use of this function is to take values from channels in contexts where being inside a process is
 * impossible, it can still be used inside processes at times when it's important that the take doesn't block the
 * process.
 * The callback is a function of one parameter, and the value supplied for that parameter is the value taken from the
 * channel (either a value that was put or `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.CLOSED|CLOSED}`). If the callback isn't present,
 * nothing will happen after the value is taken.
 * @function takeAsync
 * @param {module:cispy/channel~Channel} channel The channel that a value is being taken from.
 * @param {module:cispy~nbCallback} [callback] A function that gets invoked when a value is made available to be taken
 *     (this value may be `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.CLOSED|CLOSED}` if the channel closes with no available value). The
 *     function can take one parameter, which is the value that is taken from the channel.
function takeAsync(channel, callback) {
  const result = channel.take(opHandler(callback));
  if (result && callback) {

 * **Puts a value onto a channel, blocking the process until that value is taken from the channel by a different
 * process (or until the channel closes).**
 * A value is always put onto the channel, but if that value isn't specified by the second parameter, it is
 * `undefined`. Any value may be put on a channel, with the sole exception of the special value
 * `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.CLOSED|CLOSED}`.
 * This function *must* be called from within an `async` function and as part of an `await` expression.
 * When `put` is completed and its process unblocks, its `await` expression evaluates to a status boolean that
 * indicates what caused the process to unblock. That value is `true` if the put value was successfully taken by
 * another process, or `false` if the unblocking happened because the target channel closed.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {module:cispy/channel~Channel} channel The channel that the process is putting a value onto.
 * @param {*} [value] The value being put onto the channel.
 * @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to `true` or `false` depending on whether the put value is actually
 *     taken.
function put(channel, value) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    putAsync(channel, value, resolve);

 * **Takes a value from a channel, blocking the process until a value becomes available to be taken (or until the
 * channel closes with no more values on it to be taken).**
 * This function *must* be called from within an `async` function and as part of an `await` expression.
 * When `take` is completed and its process unblocks, its `await` expression evaluates to the actual value that was
 * taken. If the target channel closed, then all of the values already placed onto it are resolved by `take` as
 * normal, and once no more values are available, the special value `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.CLOSED|CLOSED}` is
 * returned.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {module:cispy/channel~Channel} channel The channel that the process is taking a value from.
 * @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to the value taken from the channel once that take is completed. If the
 *     channel closes without a value being made available, this will resolve to
 *     `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.CLOSED|CLOSED}`.
function take(channel) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    takeAsync(channel, resolve);

 * **Takes a value from a channel, blocking the process until a value becomes available to be taken (or until the
 * channel closes with no more values on it to be taken). If the taken value is an error object, that error is thrown
 * at that point.**
 * This function *must* be called from within an `async` function and as part of an `await` expression.
 * It functions in every way like `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.take|take}` *except* in the case that the
 * value on the channel is an object that has `Error.prototype` in its prototype chain (any built-in error, any
 * properly-constructed custom error). If that happens, the error is thrown, which will cause the returned promise to be
 * rejected with the error. It can then be handled up the promise chain like any other rejected promise.
 * `takeOrThrow` is roughly equivalent to:
 * ```
 * const value = await take(ch);
 * if (Error.prototype.isPrototypeOf(value)) {
 *   throw value;
 * }
 * ```
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {module:cispy/channel~Channel} channel The channel that the process is taking a value from.
 * @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to the value taken from the channel once that take is completed. If the
 *     channel closes without a value being made available, this will resolve to
 *     `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.CLOSED|CLOSED}`. If the taken value is an error, the promise will instead be rejected
 *     with the error object as the reason.
function takeOrThrow(channel) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    takeAsync(channel, result => {
      if (Error.prototype.isPrototypeOf(result)) {
      } else {

 * **Completes the first operation among the provided operations that comes available, blocking the process until
 * then.**
 * `operations` is an array whose elements must be channels or two-element sub-arrays of channels and values, in any
 * combination. An operation that is a channel is a take operation on that channel. An operation that is a two-element
 * array is a put operation on that channel using that value. Exactly one of these operations will complete, and it
 * will be the first operation that unblocks.
 * This function *must* be called from within an `async` function and as part of an `await` expression.
 * When `alts` is completed and its process unblocks, its `await` expression evaluates to an object of two properties.
 * The `value` property becomes exactly what would have been returned by the equivalent `await put` or `await take`
 * operation: a boolean in the case of a put, or the taken value in the case of a take. The `channel` property is set
 * to the channel where the operation actually took place. This will be equivalent to the channel in the `operations`
 * array which completed first, allowing the process to unblock.
 * If there is more than one operation already available to complete when the call to `alts` is made, the operation
 * with the highest priority will be the one to complete. Regularly, priority is non-deterministic (i.e., it's set
 * randomly). However, if the options object has a `priority` value set to `true`, priority will be assigned in the
 * order of the operations in the supplied array.
 * If all of the operations must block (i.e., there are no pending puts for take operations, or takes for put
 * operations), a default value may be returned. This is only done if there is a `default` property in the options
 * object, and the value of that property becomes the value returned by `await alts`. The channel is set to the
 * special value `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.DEFAULT|DEFAULT}`.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {Array} operations A collection of elements that correspond to take and put operations. A take operation
 *     is signified by an element that is a channel (which is the channel to be taken from). A put operation is
 *     specified by an element that is itself a two-element array, which has a channel followed by a value (which is
 *     the channel and value to be put).
 * @param {Object} [options={}] An optional object which can change the behavior of `alts` through two properties.
 * @param {boolean} [options.priority=false] If `true`, then the priority of operations to complete when more than one
 *     is immediately available is a priority according to position within the operations array (earlier positions
 *     have the higher priority). If `false` or not present, the priorty of operation completion is random.
 * @param {*} [options.default] If set and all of the operations initially block, the `alts` call completes
 *     immediately with the value of this option (the channel will be `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.DEFAULT|DEFAULT})`. If
 *     not set, the `alts` call will block until one of the operations completes and that value and channel will be the
 *     ones returned.
 * @return {Promise} A promise that will resolve to an object of two properties: `value` will contain the value that
 *     would have been returned by the corresponding `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.put|put}` or
 *     `{@link module:cispy~Cispy.take|take}` operation; and `channel` will be a reference to the channel
 *     that completed the operation to allow `alts` to unblock.
function alts(ops, options = {}) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    altsAsync(ops, resolve, options);

 * **Blocks the process for the specified time (in milliseconds) and then unblocks it.**
 * This implements a delay, but one that's superior to other kinds of delays (`setTimeout`, etc.) because it blocks
 * the process and allows the dispatcher to allow other processes to run while this one waits. The default delay is 0,
 * which will release the process to allow others to run and then immediately re-queue it.
 * This function *must* be called from within an `async` function and as part of an `await` expression.
 * When this function completes and its process unblocks, the `await` expression doesn't take on any meaningful value.
 * The purpose of this function is simply to delay, not to communicate any data.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {number} [delay=0] the number of milliseconds that the process will block for. At the end of that time, the
 *     process is again eligible to be run by the dispatcher again. If this is missing or set to `0`, the process
 *     will cede execution to the next one but immediately requeue itself to be run again.
 * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves with no meaningful result when the time has elapsed.
function sleep(delay = 0) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    const ch = chan();
    setTimeout(() => ch.close(), delay);
    takeAsync(ch, resolve);

 * **Invokes an async function acting as a process.**
 * This is purely a convenience function, driven by the fact that it's necessary to use an IIFE to invoke an inline
 * async function, and that's not very aesthetically pleasing. It does no more than invoke the passed function, but that
 * at least releases us from the need to put the empty parentheses after the function definition.
 * @memberOf module:cispy~Cispy
 * @param {function} fn The async function being used as a process.
 * @param {...*} args Arguments that are sent to the async function when it's invoked.
 * @return {Promise} The promise returned by the async function.
function go(fn, ...args) {
  return fn(...args);

module.exports = {