
cispy/utils~ CispyUtils


A set of utility functions using processes to work with channels.

These are all accessed through the cispy.utils namespace; e.g., reduce can be called like this:

const output = cispy.utils.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, ch, 0);


(static) debounce(src, bufferopt, delay, optionsopt) → {module:cispy/channel~Channel}


Debounces an input channel.

Debouncing is the act of turning several input values into one. For example, debouncing a channel driven by a mousemove event would cause only the final mousemove event to be put onto the channel, dropping all of the other ones. This can be desirable because mousemove events come in bunches, being produced continually while the mouse is moving, and often all that we really care about is to learn where the mouse ended up.

This function does this by controlling which values that have been put onto the source channel are made available on the destination channel, and when.

The delay parameter determines the debounce threshold. Once the first value is put onto the source channel, debouncing is in effect until the number of milliseconds in delay passes without any other value being put onto that channel. In other words, the delay will be refreshed if another value is put onto the source channel before the delay elapses. After a full delay interval passes without a value being placed on the source channel, the last value put becomes available on the destination channel.

This behavior can be modified through four options: leading, trailing, maxDelay, and cancel.

If both leading and trailing are true, values will not be duplicated. The first value put onto the source channel will be put onto the destination channel immediately (per leading) and the delay will begin, but a value will only be made available on the destination channel at the end of the delay (per trailing) if another input value was put onto the source channel before the delay expired.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The source channel.

buffer number | module:cispy/buffers~Buffer <optional>

A buffer used to create the destination channel. If this is a number, a FixedBuffer of that size will be used. If this is 0 or not present, the channel will be unbuffered.

delay number

The debouncing delay, in milliseconds.

options Object <optional>

A set of options to further configure the debouncing.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
leading boolean <optional>

Instead of making a value available on the destination channel after the delay passes, the first value put onto the source channel is made available before the delay begins. No value is available on the destination channel after the delay has elapsed (unless trailing is also true).

trailing boolean <optional>

The default behavior, where a value is not made available on the destination channel until the entire delay passes without a new value being put on the source channel.

maxDelay number <optional>

The maximum delay allowed before a value is put onto the destination channel. Debouncing can, in theory, go on forever as long as new input values continue to be put onto the source channel before the delay expires. Setting this option to a positive number sets the maximum number of milliseconds that debouncing can go on before it's forced to end, even if in the middle of a debouncing delay. Having debouncing end through the max delay operates exactly as if it had ended because of lack of input; the last input is made available on the destination channel (if trailing is true), and the next input will trigger another debounce operation.

cancel module:cispy/channel~Channel <optional>

A channel used to signal a cancellation of the debouncing. Any value put onto this channel will cancel the current debouncing operation, closing the output channel and discarding any values that were waiting for the debounce threshold timer to be sent to the output.


The newly-created destination channel, where all of the values will be debounced from the source channel.


(static) map(fn, srcs, bufferopt) → {module:cispy/channel~Channel}


Maps the values from one or more source channels through a function, putting the results on a new channel.

The mapping function is given one value from each source channel, after at least one value becomes available on every source channel. The output value from the function is then put onto the destination channel.

The destination channel is created by the function based on the buffer value passed as the third parameter. If this is missing, null, or 0, the destination channel will be unbuffered. If it's a positive integer, the destination channel is buffered by a fixed buffer of that size. If the parameter is a buffer, then that buffer is used to buffer the destination channel.

Once any source channel is closed, the mapping ceases and the destination channel is also closed.

This is obviously similar to a map transducer, but unlike a transducer, this function works with multiple input channels. This is something that a transducer on a single channel is unable to do.

const { go, chan, put, take, close, utils } = cispy;
const { map } = utils;

const input1 = chan();
const input2 = chan();
const input3 = chan();
const output = map((x, y, z) => x + y + z, [input1, input2, input3]);

go(async () => {
  await put(input1, 1);
  await put(input1, 2);
  await put(input1, 3);

go(async () => {
  await put(input2, 10);
  await put(input2, 20);

go(async () => {
  await put(input3, 100);
  await put(input3, 200);
  await put(input3, 300);

go(async () => {
  console.log(await take(output));     // -> 111
  console.log(await take(output));     // -> 222
  // Output closes now because input2 closes after 2 values
  console.log(output.closed);          // -> true
Name Type Attributes Default Description
fn module:cispy/utils~mapper

The mapping function. This should have one parameter for each source channel and return a single value.

srcs Array.<module:cispy/channel~Channel>

The source channels.

buffer number | module:cispy/buffers~Buffer <optional>

A buffer used to create the destination channel. If this is a number, a module:cispy/buffers~FixedBuffer of that size will be used. If this is 0 or not present, the channel will be unbuffered.


The destination channel.


(static) partition(fn, src, tBufferopt, fBufferopt) → {Array.<module:cispy/core~Channel>}


Creates two new channels and routes values from a source channel to them according to a predicate function.

The supplied function is invoked with every value that is put onto the source channel. Those that return true are routed to the first destination channel; those that return false are routed to the second.

The new channels are created by the function based on the buffer values passed as the third and fourth parameters. If one or both of these are missing, null, or 0, the corresponding destination channel is unbuffered. If one is a positive integer, the corresponding channel is buffered by a fixed buffer of that size. If the parameter for a channel is a buffer, then that buffer is used to buffer the new channel.

Both new channels are closed when the source channel is closed.

const { go, chan, put, take, utils } = cispy;
const { partition } = utils;

const input = chan();
const [even, odd] = partition(x => x % 2 === 0, input);

go(async () => {
  await put(input, 1);
  await put(input, 2);
  await put(input, 3);
  await put(input, 4);

go(async () => {
  console.log(await take(even));     // -> 2
  console.log(await take(even));     // -> 4

go(async () => {
  console.log(await take(odd));      // -> 1
  console.log(await take(odd));      // -> 3
Name Type Attributes Default Description
fn module:cispy/utils~predicate

A predicate function used to test each value on the input channel.

src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The source channel.

tBuffer number | module:cispy/buffers~Buffer <optional>

A buffer used to create the destination channel which receives all values that passed the predicate. If this is a number, a module:cispy/buffers~FixedBuffer of that size will be used. If this is 0 or not present, the channel will be unbuffered.

fBuffer number | module:cispy/buffers~Buffer <optional>

A buffer used to create the destination channel which receives all values that did not pass the predicate. If this is a number, a module:cispy/buffers~FixedBuffer of that size will be used. If this is 0 or not present, the channel will be unbuffered.


An array of two channels. The first is the destination channel with all of the values that passed the predicate, the second is the destination channel with all of the values that did not pass the predicate.


(static) pipe(src, dest, keepOpenopt) → {module:cispy/channel~Channel}


Pipes the values from one channel onto another channel.

This ties two channels together so that puts on the source channel can be taken off the destination channel. This does not duplicate values in any way - if another process takes a value off the source channel, it will never appear on the destination channel. In most cases you will not want to take values off a channel once it's piped to another channel, since it's difficult to know which values will go to which channel.

Closing either channel will break the connection between the two. If the source channel is closed, the destination channel will by default also be closed. However, passing true as the third parameter will cause the destination channel to remain open even when the source channel is closed (the connection is still broken however).

Because of the ability to leave the destination channel open, a possible use case for this function is to wrap the destination channel(s) of one of the other flow control functions below to have a channel that survives the source channel closing. The rest of those functions (aside from the special-case tap) automatically close their destination channels when the source channels close.

const { go, chan, put, take, close, utils } = cispy;
const { pipe } = utils;

const input = chan();
const output = pipe(input, chan());

go(async () => {
  await put(input, 1);
  await put(input, 2);

go(async () => {
  console.log(await take(output));      // -> 1
  console.log(await take(output));      // -> 2
  console.log(output.closed);           // -> true
Name Type Attributes Default Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The source channel.

dest module:cispy/channel~Channel

The destination channel.

keepOpen boolean <optional>

A flag to indicate that the destination channel should be kept open after the source channel closes. By default the destination channel will close when the source channel closes.


The destination channel.


(static) reduce(fn, ch, init) → {module:cispy/channel~Channel}


Creates a single value from a channel by running its values through a reducing function.

For every value put onto the input channel, the reducing function is called with two parameters: the accumulator that holds the result of the reduction so far, and the new input value. The initial value of the accumulator is the third parameter to reduce. The reduction is not complete until the input channel closes.

This function returns a channel. When the final reduced value is produced, it is put onto this channel, and when that value is taken from it, the channel is closed.

const { go, chan, put, take, close, utils } = cispy;
const { reduce } = utils;

const input = chan();
const output = reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, input, 0);

go(async () => {
  await put(input, 1);
  await put(input, 2);
  await put(input, 3);

go(async () => {
  const result = await take(output);
  console.log(output);                  // -> 6

Note that the input channel must be closed at some point, or no value will ever appear on the output channel. The closing of the channel is what signifies that the reduction should be completed.

Name Type Description
fn module:cispy/utils~reducer

The reducer function responsible for turning the series of channel values into a single output value.

ch module:cispy/channel~Channel

The channel whose values are being reduced into a single output value.

init *

The initial value to feed into the reducer function for the first reduction step.


A channel that will, when the input channel closes, have the reduced value put into it. When this value is taken, the channel will automatically close.


(static) split(src, …buffersopt) → {Array.<module:cispy/channel~Channel>}


Splits a single channel into multiple destination channels, with each destination channel receiving every value put onto the source channel.

Every parameter after the first represents the buffer from a single destination channel. Each 0 or null will produce an unbuffered channel, while each positive integer will produce a channel buffered by a fixed buffer of that size. Each buffer will produce a buffered channel backed by that buffer. If there are no parameters after the first, then two unbuffered channels will be produced as a default.

When the source channel is closed, all destination channels will also be closed. However, if destination channels are closed, they do nothing to the source channel.

const { go, chan, put, take, utils } = cispy;
const { split } = util;

const input = chan();
const outputs = split(input, 3);

go(async () => {
  await put(input, 1);
  await put(input, 2);
  await put(input, 3);

go(async () => {
  for (const output of outputs) {       // Each output will happen 3 times
    console.log(await take(output));    // -> 1
    console.log(await take(output));    // -> 2
    console.log(await take(output));    // -> 3

This function moves its values to the output channels asynchronously. This means that even when using unbuffered channels, it is not necessary for all output channels to be taken from before the next put to the input channel can complete.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The source channel.

buffers number | module:cispy/buffers~Buffer <optional>

The buffers used to create the destination channels. Each entry is treated separately. If one is a number, then a FixedBuffer of that size will be used. If one is a 0, then the corresponding channel will be unbuffered. Exception: if a single number is passed, then that number of unbuferred channels will be created. This means that the default is to create two unbuffered channels. To create a single channel with a fixed buffer, use fixedBuffer explicitly.


An array of destination channels.


(static) tap(src, destopt) → {module:cispy/channel~Channel}


Taps a channel, sending all of the values put onto it to the destination channel.

A source channel can be tapped multiple times, and all of the tapping (destination) channels receive each value put onto the tapped (source) channel.

This is different from split in that it's temporary. Channels can tap a channel and then untap it, multiple times, as needed. If a source channel has all of its taps removed, then it reverts to a normal channel, just as it was before it was tapped.

Also unlike split, each call can only tap once. For multiple channels to tap a source channel, tap has to be called multiple times.

Closing either the source or any of the destination channels has no effect on any of the other channels.

const { go, chan, put, take, utils } = cispy;
const { tap } = utils;

const input = chan();
const tapper = chan();
tap(input, tapper);

go(async () => {
  await put(input, 1);
  await put(input, 2);

go(async () => {
  console.log(await take(tapper));   // -> 1
  console.log(await take(tapper));   // -> 2
Name Type Attributes Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The channel to be tapped.

dest module:cispy/channel~Channel <optional>

The channel tapping the source channel. If this is not present, a new unbuffered channel will be created.


The destination channel. This is the same as the second argument, if present; otherwise it is the newly-created channel tapping the source channel.


(static) throttle(src, bufferopt, delay, optionsopt) → {module:cispy/channel~Channel}


Throttles an input channel.

Throttling is the act of ensuring that something only happens once per time interval. In this case, it means that a value put onto the source channel is only made available to the destination channel once per a given number of milliseconds. An example usage would be with window scroll events; these events are nearly continuous as scrolling is happening, and perhaps we don't want to call an expensive UI updating function every time a scroll event is fired. We can throttle the input channel and make it only offer up the scroll events once every 100 milliseconds, for instance.

Throttling is effected by creating a new channel as a throttled destination for values put onto the source channel. Values will only appear on that destination channel once per delay interval; other values that are put onto the source channel in the meantime are discarded.

The delay parameter controls how often a value can become available on the destination channel. When the first value is put onto the source channel, it is immediately put onto the destination channel as well and the delay begins. Any further values put onto the source channel during that delay are not passed through; only when the delay expires is the last input value made available on the destination channel. The delay then begins again, so that further inputs are squelched until that delay passes. Throttling continues, only allowing one value through per interval, until an entire interval passes without input.

This behavior can be modified by three options: leading, trailing, and cancel.

If both leading and trailing are true, values will not be duplicated. The first value put onto the source channel will be put onto the destination channel immediately (per leading) and the delay will begin, but a value will only be made available on the destination channel at the end of the delay (per trailing) if another input value was put onto the source channel before the delay expired.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The source channel.

buffer number | module:cispy/buffers~Buffer <optional>

A buffer used to create the destination channel. If this is a number, a FixedBuffer of that size will be used. If this is 0 or not present, the channel will be unbuffered.

delay number

The throttling delay, in milliseconds.

options Object <optional>

A set of options to further configure the throttling.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
leading boolean <optional>

Makes the value that triggered the throttling immediately available on the destination channel before beginning the delay. If this is false, the first value will not be put onto the destination channel until a full delay interval passes.

trailing boolean <optional>

Makes the last value put onto the source channel available on the destination channel when the delay expires. If this is false, any inputs that come in during the delay are ignored, and the next value is not put onto the destination channel until the first input after the delay expires.

cancel module:cispy/channel~Channel <optional>

A channel used to signal a cancellation of the throttling. Any value put onto this channel will cancel the current throttling operation, closing the output channel and discarding any values that were waiting for the throttle threshold timer to be sent to the output.


} The newly-created destination channel, where all of the values will be throttled from the source channel.


(static) untap(src, dest)


Untaps a previously tapping destination channel from its source channel.

This removes a previously created tap. The destination (tapping) channel will stop receiving the values put onto the source channel.

If the destination channel was not, in fact, tapping the source channel, this function will do nothing. If all taps are removed, the source channel reverts to normal (i.e., it no longer has the tapping code applied to it and can be taken from as normal).

Name Type Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The tapped channel.

dest module:cispy/channel~Channel

The channel that is tapping the source channel that should no longer be tapping the source channel.

(static) untapAll(src)


Removes all taps from a source channel.

The previously-tapped channel reverts to a normal channel, while any channels that might have been tapping it no longer receive values from the source channel. If the source channel had no taps, this function does nothing.

Name Type Description
src module:cispy/channel~Channel

The tapped channel. All taps will be removed from this channel.